Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Morning in Venice

So this morning I arrived at the hospital for my MRI (after babysitter arrived 37 mins late, with no excuse!).  I change into the robe and get briefed on the whole procedure.  They lay me down on the table, assure me it won't hurt, cover me with a warm blanket, and screw this cage over my face.  The cage is actually quite nice as it has strategically positioned mirrors so I can see out the tube and into the window where the docs are looking at all their computers (I'm totally thinking about Meredith and McDreamy sitting there making plans for a weekend in Sonoma Valley or something).  They give me headphones (playing the Three Tenors greatest hits!!!) to drown out the whirring of the machine and we get started.  I must admit, with two active little ones at home this was shaping up to be the most relaxing half hour of my month.  To make sure I didn't get nervous or antsy, I imagine myself floating down the river streets in Venice, Italy while Lucciano and the boys serenade me.  I was definitely thinking I would recommend this to all stressed moms, as it's much easier to get insurance to cover this than time at the spa.  

After about a half hour they pulled me out and told me something I couldn't hear over the boys' gorgeous bellowing, so I nodded and asked if we were done.  The nurse said yes, but then began sticking a very large needle into me explaining that they needed to visualize something (slight language barrier).  That was fine, because we were done and I did great.  Then she capped off my vein with a long tube and pushed me back in the machine. "Wait!  I thought we were done!?" "Oh yes," she tells me, "but we need to visualize your body." Whatever that means.  I ask how long it takes, and she tells me 15 minutes!  Starting to get uncomfortable, and blind-sided by the extra time, I let loose one little tear.  I returned to Italy and this time had to focus on the music to stay calm and started counted songs until it seemed like 15 minutes should be over.  It was.  They came back, retrieved me, let me change, removed the tube, and ushered me to the waiting room in expectation of the doctor.
A minute later he came out and told me the tests were all clear.  I'm normal!  No stroke, tumor, no brain swelling, nothing!  So the doctor settled on "complicated migraines" as my chosen diagnosis.  He gave me an over-the-counter-ish medication to take in the event of another attack, and we were off.  We need to return tomorrow for the results of my last blood work, but we anticipate everything should be fine.  We have a few questions for him, and hopefully that will be it.  Thanks again to everyone for all your prayers.  We really appreciate it!  Elliott was so scared, and took great comfort in knowing there were thousands of people praying for us.


Unknown said...

So have you struggled with migraines before or has this just started happening out of the blue?? Is that common?
So glad all the major things were ruled out. We've been worried..and praying!

Dena said...

Nope, just happened out of the blue. Dr is not sure of the cause-could be stress, food allergy, strong smells, enviro issues, not sure yet. Actually, I hope not to get a chance to find out. Thanks!

Owen said...

I really hope that the medication works for you D. I've been out for the whole weekend and just read the last few posts. Wow. What a brave amazing woman you are.

Mommy Rader said...

Thanks for the update!! What a brave little patient you are =) Been thinking about you!

Joy said...

I'm glad everything is clear! Love the picture of the three tenors...haha