Monday, May 26, 2008

Another Update

Sorry the previous was so long, this should be much shorter.

This morning I spent another few hours in the hospital, a different one this time for another view point.  I talked at length with a neurologist and had another five vials of blood taken.  I guess last time I had a CT scan, so tomorrow they are doing an MRI because they are more detailed. Currently this doc thinks they are "complicated migraines".  Apparently these are pretty serious, cause all the symptoms I had, and can even cause strokes!  After the tests tomorrow and more time with the neuro we should have a better idea.  If after that, I still have issues and can't get this under control we will proceed with a spinal tap and possibly more tests.

Thanks for all your continued prayers, and I will update again soon. 


Steph said...

I hope you get it figured out soon, medical mysteries are no fun! A spinal tap doesn't sound like fun either - a friend of mine has had a few, I can ask her for tips for getting through one if it comes to that for you, but I'll be praying it doesn't!

Dena said...

The most annoying part of it all for me is that with each drug they give me that means time I have to wait for it to flush out of my system before I can return to nursing Shaylee. A spinal tap means lots of pain killers that I'm sure would be no good for her.

Maria Purviance said...

I hope they figure it out soon too. Keep us updated

theajthomas said...

Spinal Tap???? Awesome I love that movie. "It goes to 11"... Classic.

Seriously though - May God be with you and heal you.

Mommy Rader said...

Thanks for the update, Dena. I was wondering about you from Elliot's updates on facebook. Said you were feeling off again. Praying for some quick and correct answers to this mystery. We love you tons and are praying for you and your family as always =)