Sunday, September 24, 2006


After a grueling battle that has frustrated several years of my life, I have come to the conclusion that technology really does hate me. I have said it for a long time, but now I know it's really true. I took a computer class in high school, then again in college; I was a computer lab monitor for two and a half years at Bethany; I have a computer genius for a husband; but all this has left me no more techno savy than when I first learned to type on the almighty Apple IIe. I can push the same button, open the same file, click the same link as everyone else, but computers refuse to cooperate with me. I am positive now that I am like Midus with his golden touch, except that mine sours all things technological.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Daddy Props

I just have to give props to my husband. He is the world's most amazing Daddy. Micaiah has been having a hard time tonight and Ell is so incredible with him. He has been trying so hard to play with him, cuddle him, sing to him, read books to him, and whatever will make Micaiah happy. I fall more in love with my husband every time I see him lavish love on our son. Thank you Lord for the blessing that is my family.

Net Church and Bath Tubs

Yesterday Ell and I went to church in Tulsa, OK. That's right. Actually we attended a live internet church. It was very cool. The worship band was amazing, and the sermon was excellent. It was part of a series on the characteristics of a disciple. The church is They are bassed out of Tulsa, and have sattelite campuses all over, including the internet campus. The service was broadcast from the main Tulsa church, but at the begining and end of the service, the internet pastor came on an spoke specifially that audience. You could even participate in responsive readings by clicking on the appropriate phrase, and at the end, you could raise your hand in response to the "altar call" by clicking "raise your hand". A little corny, but 13 people responded that way! Praise the Lord! Afterward you could chat with the in the church "lobby" and even fill out a communication card. You can even belong to an online cell group. I can't wait for next week's sermon. (Disclaimer: I do not believe that online church should be a replacement for physically getting together to worship with the Body of Christ.)

Last night was exciting as Micaiah decided he wanted to stand. He was happily playing in the bath tub, one of his favorite places, when he grabbed a hold of the sides of the tub and started to pull up to a stand. But since the sides of the tub are a little low, he needed to use an arm or something higher to get enough leverage. Now he loves to practice pulling up, and gets all smiley and proud of himself when he does. It's so cute, he looks around for recognition. He has loved to stand for months now, but could not pull up by himself. But now he can. That put together with crawling mean that baby proofing days are near!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

International House of Pancakes

I absolutely love pancakes! I can eat them for any meal of the day, or at any time for that matter. I don't like to just eat plain, white flour pancakes. I usually use whole wheat flour, but I like to mix it up. These are some of my favorite pancakes:

* Cinnamon Spice: cinnamon and nutmeg, and sometimes vanilla and cloves, too
* Almond Spice: almond and vanilla extracts with a touch of nutmeg
* Apple: plain pancakes topped with baked cinnamon apples
* Oat flour: a mix of oat and other flours, not as heavy as you would think, and so healthy
* Blueberry topped: self explanitory
* Butter Pecan: a southern delight
* Mora: mulberry (mora in spanish) infused batter makes this tan sabroso and provides a serving of fruit
* And sometimes you just gotta have normal, maple syrup topped pancakes

I am always looking for a healthy, yet tasty topping alternative to maple syrup. Got any ideas?
What are your favorite pancakes?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

School Daze and Baby Craze

Today was our first day back in classes after a two week break. Elliott has a full schedule, while I am only taking one class: translation. Our teacher seems to be the right blend of serious and funny. She did say she is very punctual, which will present a slight struggle for me. My previous teachers have not been, so I could count on a 5-10 min grace period after the "official" start time. I guess I'll have to learn to be a little more gringa this trimester.
On the homefront, Micaiah daily amazes me. He is becoming more proficient at stringing syllables together, so he spends the better part of the day babbling. Sometimes he yells and sometimes he whispers, but he pretty much always "talks". He crawled about an inch today. Generally he combines scooting, rolling, pivoting, and flipping to move around, but today he almost crawled. He can sit up for short bursts of time, and can stand the same amount of time while holding on to the couch. He is so active! Once he can really crawl and walk, we will be in for one crazy ride!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Hello New World

This is my foray into the new world of blogging: a mystical land that awaits my discovery. I must admit I am not very good at keeping up-to-date with technology, or at anything that requires a daily committment (diaries, vitamins, etc.), but we will see how this goes. Like many others, I started this blog so I could comment on others, and I decided I should give it a try. I love reading other people's blogs, so hopefully mine can live up to the standard.
Happy Reading!