Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Bilingual Baby

Micaiah talks incessantly all day long. Most of it is nonsense gibberish, but he is starting to build quite a vocabulary. He says several food words like bread, cheese, juice, etc. He can point to and name several body parts (his favorite is to poke his sister in the eye and say "eyes"). He can name several animals like dog, cat, horsie, bird, etc. He also asks for several things. He'll bring his shoes to me and say "shoes" then run to the door and say "outside". He has learned a few new cute things, like he says "oh man" and recently learned "c'mon" which he says with such inflection it's hilarious!

He speaks English mostly, but says a few things in Spanish. Since he was about 10 months he will play answer the phone by saying "¿aló?" He has a bath book with pond animals that has taught him "cisne" or swan, in Spanish. Since he loves bread he has also learned to ask for that in Spanish (pan). But on Friday we were at home eating lunch with a Peruvian lady, so we were all speaking Spanish. I was also talking to Micaiah in Spanish. He had eaten well, then decided he'd had enough, so he very sternly told me "no más!" (no more). I was amazed! He was in no way prompted, and I've never heard him say this before. One (of the many) thing I like about living overseas is the opportunity my kids have to grow up bilingual. And it's really fun to watch it happen.


Elizabeth said...

That is so neat. I like that story. One of my favourite bilingual baby stories is of a missionary child who asked his parents why adults (his parents and the nationals) didn't use all the words he did. He came to learn "all the words" were two different languages.

And "pan" is also the Japanese word for bread.

Mommy Rader said...

WOW! What a smart baby, and how fortunate for him that he is exposed to two languages at once. They say the best time for that is as early as possible! I would love my kids to be bilingual but...I think an important pre-requisit would have to be bilingual parents...or parents willing to learn :)

Kelly said...

That's so cool. :) How's the potty training going?

Weavers said...

Hey Dena,
I really want to email you, but for some reason, I cant find your email address anywhere...can you email me at sometime so I can get your email address?! Thanks Dena! ...on second thought I might just call you but would still like the address!! :)
...and baby news!! :) Just thought I would put your mind at rest!
love ya!