Friday, October 13, 2006

What Rapture

I must say there is no feeling like the sheer joy my little boy brings to me. Don't get me wrong, there are trying days, but nothing compares to the utter rapture of when he cuddles into me upon waking from a nap, or when Mommy's hug can make a boo boo all better. The smell of his head right after a bath is like a little whiff of heaven. There is absolutely no comparision to his cute smile and his addictive laugh. Now that I am a Mommy, I am perpetually exhausted, various parts of my body ache from carrying around a little bundle all day, and I'm constantly wiping spit-up, but it is all worth it!


Kristen said...

You make me happy in your happiness! You should write this down in a hard-copy journal of some sort, too, so that when Kai gets older, he will be able to read it and be reminded of how much his mother loves him!

Kristen said...

Good to hear from you:D I am glad that you share your love for cutie pie Innes with the world!

Mommy Rader said...

Dena, he is so cute:) I too share your joy of motherhood, and you have put into words what I could not...beautiful and inspiring, post!!! Makes me want to go wake my little man from his nap and snuggle with him....almost ;)

Steph said...

he is compltely adorable! I can't believe how big he is already! kinda scary how fast they grow up