Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Well, by now most of you know that we have returned to North America. At this point I am in Illinois with the kids, staying at my mom's (we arrived last Thurs). Ell is at his parents' in Ontario and will be joining us this weekend (he arrived on Tues). It has all been such a whirlwind that I haven't had much time to update, and when I have had time there is just so much to tell that I can't seem to figure out where to begin.

Our funds began to dip low around Feb., but did not become a real problem until about June. We tried what we could and spent a lot of time in prayer, and in the end it seemed like God would have us back in N. Amer. for a season. So Ell has been applying at churches for a youth pastor job. This Sunday he has an interview at a church in Wisconsin, and the following week he has one in Atlantic Canada. We are praying that God would prepare just the right church for us. One where we will fit well and be able to serve in just the capacity needed there. So far both churches look exciting, although my mom is rooting for Wisc. since we would be just over an hour away. Things are a little weird adjusting to life back here. It may sound like three years is not that long, but you really do forget little things about life here that now make me stick out a little.

There are many things that I will miss/already miss about Peru. I definitely miss our friends, and the ministry there. I miss the glorious food! and the warmth of the culture. It feels strange to go everywhere and only speak English. Today I was at the doc's office and was surrounded by Latin families. Oh, how I wished to join in their conversations, but I would have felt out of place. Everything on the radio is new to me, I couldn't believe just how bad the economy really was until I got here, and I think I have already gained weight on the food. But I am excited for things I have missed: I haven't really driven in three years, and the freedom is exhilerating! When I walk in Wal-Mart I feel like a kid in a candy shop. And, of course, seeing friends and family is the best part.

I think I will wrap it up here. Please feel free to ask me questions; I know I have left out a lot of details, but I'm tired. I will add more later, I'm sure.


Elizabeth said...

Welcome home. I hope this is a good season for you. Where in the Atlantic district will you be?

Coming home can be rough, I totally understand about forgetting little things. After being in a cash only society for a year my first day back in Canada I realized I had forgotten how to use debit.

Mommy Rader said...

Welcome home!!! And you are not too far away from me...if you're ever close to the Ohio way you are more than welcome to stop by!!!! I would love to see you and your growing family =)))

Owen said...

Welcome back! I hope everything works out for you finding a new church. If you canidate near DC let me know- I would LOVE to see you guys.

I hope that reverse culture shock goes smoothly for you.