Friday, August 24, 2007

Six Weeks of Sweetness

This was originally supposed to be a one month update, but it's so hard to make it to the computer these days. Anyway, Shaylee is doing great! She is such a blessing. She is growing like a weed! At her one month check-up she had put on three pounds since the birth, topping her off at an even 11. She grew from 20.5 inches to 22. I constantly look at her and think, "I'm sure glad that head was smaller when it came out of me". She sleeps pretty well - she only gets up once in the night to eat, usually. She is becoming more alert everyday and starting to show preferences for certain things. She turns her head to follow a voice, and if she is fussy she immediately calms down when her mama comes near. We've even gotten a few smiles out of her! Her big brother is doing well with her, and only occasionally tries to hit her. He does steal her pacifier, though it's been over a year since he used one. He recognizes which things are hers, and will bring me a burp cloth or blanket and say , "sis". When she cries he gives her a kiss on the head and also sometimes gives her high five and "props". They'll have so much fun together in a few months.

Here are a few pictures showing the six weeks of our little sweetie's life.

She's finally here!

Only two days old

She may be asleep, but that smile still melts my heart.

Her baby dedication

Catching some sun after church (after over a week of overcast)

Shaylee's first time at the ocean

Catching some 'shut eye' - ha ha

Future rookie card pose!

All dressed up and ready for church

Posing for a family portrait

Cuddle time with Grandma

Playing with big brother

A Cubs fan from birth


Elizabeth said...

Wow!! She is such a pretty baby! I'm so glad that you're enjoying her!!

Mommy Rader said...

Beautiful. Your family is just beautiful. And you look so radiant! Mommy hood is so becoming to you :)

Unknown said...

She's so cute! You look like a very happy family of 4!!!

Steph said...

cute pictues and yay for babywearing daddies! what kind of wrap is that?