Thursday, April 05, 2007


How do you teach yourself to be self disciplined? I have never really possesed this skill, but I want to. I've never been able to keep a diary, can't remember to take a vitamin daily, and am easily disracted when working alone. So how do I correct this? Is it futile to think if I have no self-discipline that I can teach myself to have it? What do you think? Can you help me?


Elizabeth said...

When you have some understanding could you please pass it on to me?

Steph said...

This is something I struggle with myself. As for learning it, my reasoning is "if I had it in myself to do it already, I would be" - meaning since I'm not already doing it I figure I need outside help to get started. I was most disciplined while at Bethany because there was so much structure, but I relyed too much on the outside help and slacked off once the structure was gone. So I'd say start by disciplining yourself aroud things you have no control over. Like if you listen to the radio or have the TV on every day, take your vitamine when a certain show starts. Once you get into that habit, start disciplining yourself around something you do have control over, like doing the laundry after supper. If it works, let me know, I'm better at giving suggestions than following them

Kelly said...

Me too. I can't seem to get disciplined enough to figure out how to be disciplined. Every time I sit down and try to figure it out, I get distracted by something.

Mommy of Four said...

I sure wish I had an answer to this. I really really wish I did....

Richards' said...

I updated and added pictures... and there is a bit about the pregnancy too

Angela said...

This is an interesting question...never thought about HOW to be... I think it's just a decision that you have to make and stick with. But once you act on it it becomes easier to be disciplined. I like focusing on the rewards of what will come from the discipline. I also think about hte consequences of NOT being disciplined. If I know I'm having trouble being disciplined with something, I try to set up circumstances (if I can) so that I HAVE to do something. For example, I'm having a hard time being disciplined to stay within my grocery budget, so this month I will pay with cash only instead of card. When the cash is gone, the grocery shopping is done.
One thing though, I think when we try to be disciplined then fail, we beat ourselves up way too much... so just take it one day at a time.
Good luck!

Angela said...

Also, I have a hard time being disciplined to regularly exercise, so I set up exercise dates with a friend...then I'm bound to it to be disciplined.

Tami said...

Have someone keep you accountable. Make a daily schedule.

Sarah Beth said...

I struggle with this too. It seems I can't get motivated to do something unless I have an outside force. I hate it, but I don't know how to change that. I would also appreciate advice from people on this issue.

Alison said...

Date, I had dinner with Luke and Lindy this weekend and it made me miss you terribly! I love you date!

Owen said...

D, I struggle with this to, so much. I find it has to be social, I try to work out with a friend, or go on walks with Luke to loose weight. Try to get El involved if you can, than it counts as quality time as well.