Friday, April 13, 2007

Empty Nest

Elliott and Micaiah went to Ontario for 10 days. They left at almost midnight on Wed. It's sad and lonely here. It is nice to be able to eat a meal all by myself instead of feeding Micaiah simultaneously. And it's nice not to have to clean up the messes and pick up toys. But I miss my family. I'm a mom...what do I do without a child to care for? The little one in me is quite busy kicking away every chance he/she gets. But even still, this baby does not require attention like an out-of-the-womb one does.

I am sill working on missions stuff while they are gone. And I have been catching up on Grey's Anatomy and Heroes (we have the dvd's). But it's not the same without my little family. We have done video phone calls over the web so I get to see my little guy. But he looks so cute I just want to cuddle him.

Well, enough sap for now. I have youth group to prepare for.


Owen said...

I'm sad for you D, I always get lonely when Luke heads out of town to. To give you some ideas (or at least make you laugh) here is my top 10 things you can do while your boys are gone!

1. Sleep In!

2. Watch Newsies, While You were Sleeping, or whatever movies El dosn't like to watch. Watch them a lot!

3. Sleep In!

4. Have a spa evening. Take a bath, don a face mask (there are a lot of recipies online if you can't get something), get all the cuticles off your feet- whatever you want. When El comes back he can notice how beautiful you look and you can attribute it to your extensive natural beauty.

5. Stay up late.... and then sleep

6. Make lots of yummy deserts (Tuxedo Brownies still your favorite?) and eat them all by yourself! Leave the dishes until tomorrow.

8. All together now... Sleep In!

I know this list was supposed to be ten, but I've run out of ideas- miss you D, have a great week.

Dena said...

Cute Lind, thanks.

Brenda said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog about the move, Dena! I think you are right about the unpacking and setting up house being the most fun part of moving. I haven't had a lot of time to unpack with teaching and I was in Ontario seeing my fam over Easter and then came home to Halifax and Dean's grandma died...It has been a busy 3 weeks since we moved but I am looking forward to having this weekend to unpack and make my house a home! :) God bless you in your ministry. Praying for you and Elliott and your family.