Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Let it Snow

I miss snow. I love snow! The first day of snow is like a holiday to me. I turn into an eight year old in snow. I love to make snow men and angels, have snow ball fights, build forts, and just jump around and get wet in the snow. I love the way an untrampled field of snow glistens like a million tiny diamonds. But, sadly, it will be a long time until I see snow again. I know, none of you have any sympathy for me, living here in the land of perenial sun. But seasons really are a blessed thing. Believe it or not, sun does get boring after 365 days. Anyway, as all of you trudge around in the cold and snow, just remember I wish I could trudge around for you. Enjoy your tiny crystals of fun for me!


Kristen said...

I promise I will make a snow angel in your honour! :D

matthew said...

yeah, i think i'd get sick of sunshine. i like snow a lot. i hope to build a nice fort this year. last year we really didn't get enough snow :(

theajthomas said...

Majot congrats on the frog. You have just entered the two kids zone. It's pretty crazy. Tell the little one I said hi - not that he will remember me.