Thursday, January 17, 2008

Still Here

Aftrer having a great three weeks in the States, we were all suppossed to head back to Peru on the 29th of Dec. But....the kids and I are still here in Illinois! Elliott has been spending the month of Jan traveling (currently he is in Colombia), and I just couldn't stay home by myself all month with the kids, no help and no car. So, Ell returned as scheduled, and here we stay with my mom untill the 22nd, which is Tues. Then my cousin will come back with us to visit for a week. It's sad to be over three weeks without my husband, but nice to not be all alone. I have been able to spend more time with friends, and spend a little more time picking up a few things I need.

The kids have been growing in leaps and bounds. Micaiah has started saying sentences, and can climb just about anything now, including over the back of the couch. We did have a small set back with potty usage, but now he is doing great and has even woken up dry from a few naps! Shaylee got her first tooth on the 21th and her second on Christmas night. They both had their first colds (Micaiah had never had one before), which was sad for me. Shaylee has begun sitting up, and scoots around a little, too. Things are busily, crazily fun!


Mommy Rader said...

So glad to hear you're all doing well!! BUT...sorry to hear that you're away from your hubs. That's no fun. Kinda neat that after being so far away you're only a couple states away from me now! And HOW CRAZY that your son has never been sick with a cold!?!?!?! What's your secret?? Gabe was harldy ever sick until his brother was born who is...quite sadly, almost always sick. Weird.

Elliott said...

Hey babe,
Missing you like crazy and I can't wait to see you guys soon!