Monday, November 24, 2008

Have You Written Me Off?

Well, if you have, it's my fault. Things have been so crazy, and I haven't known what to make of it all, that I stopped being interested in blogging about it. Here's the quick update summary:

-We came back to N. Amer. the end of Sept and stayed with my family in Illinois for two weeks. Ell had an interview with a church in Wisconsin. It was a cool church!
-Then traveled to Ontario to stay with Ell's fam for a month. During this time Ell had an interveiw for a youth pastor position on PEI. Ell was offered the job, and after prayer and consideration, we accepted.
-Nov 17th traveled back to Illinois to celebrate my birthday and Thanksgiving with the fam one last time before the move.
-Nov 30th will return to Ontario to pack the last of our things before moving to PEI on the 3rd. It will take 2-3 days driving to get there (should only be two, but with the kids it may take longer).

I decided to makeover my blog to go with this new season of life. I will work on it in the next few days. Not sure what I'll do, so if you have any ideas or tips I'd love 'em. I do hope to update again before the move, but at the very least I will post when we get there.


Tammy Craig said...

Welcome back to blog world, Dena. :) So happy to hear things are working out for y'all. And I know Gwyn is wicked excited to have y'all out on the island, too! Blessings for the holidays and the move. :)

Owen said...

Yea for a new blog!

I'm happy that you found the right church, and PEI is so beautiful.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Richards' said...

YEAH!!!! Gwyn IS "wicked excited to have y'all out on the island"!!!!! So excited it is hard to wait.... and the time in the hospital sure makes the time take longer! Again, let me know if you guys need anything, I am only a phone call away, and soon to be a 10 minute drive away! I can introduce you to the family resorce center where I take the girls to play group. There is a nice group on Monday mornings that I think you will enjoy! YEAH!!!!!!!!!

Steph said...

If you guys need a break along the way you're more than welcome to stop in with us - we live just off the highway in Moncton. yeah, I know, by that time you're almost there, but if the kids need to run around a bit it would be great to see you!